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Edinburgh Woollen Mill and the Tazreen Fashions Factory

Categories: Articles:Human Rights | Published: 09/04/2013 | Views: 1330
In November 2011 at least 112 workers died in a fire at Tazreen Fashions, a garment factory near Dhaka, Bangladesh. Many workers jumped to their deaths trying to escape from the nine story building. Others were simply burned alive. Factory windows were barred to prevent theft and there weren’t enough fire exits, making it impossible for workers to escape. Workers’ families have not only lost a loved one but have been left in even worse poverty. Many injured workers are unable to afford medical treatment. The Tazreen workers produced for labels including Edinburgh Woollen Mill, who have so far refused to engage with Labour Behind the Label or the Bangladesh trade unions to ensure the victims of the fire get the justice they deserve. Act Now! Sign the petition calling on Edinburgh Woollen Mill, and other buyers from the Tazreen Fashions factory, to pay full compensation to the victims and their families.

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