Diary (Development)


Development is a term for the attempts to improve the quality of life for people, particularly in societies where basic human rights are unfulfilled for many.
To speak of development, is in effect to show as much concern for social progress as for economic growth. It is not sufficient to increase overall wealth for it be distributed equitably. It is not sufficient to promote technology to render the world a more human place in which to live. ... Economics and technology have no meaning except from the human person whom they should serve. And people are only truly human in as far as, masters of their own acts and judges of their worth, they are authors of their own advancement, in keeping with the nature given to them by their Creator.
          Populorum Progressio, n34



Image: Ask your MP to stop cowboy lenders
Ask your MP to stop cowboy lenders

Right now, countries in debt crisis are being held to ransom by big banks and hedge funds. These lenders are acting like cowboys - making millions in interest payments while lower income countries are left without enough money to pay for health and education. Over 54 countries are already in crisis.  CAFOD

Image: Catholic Church appoints new Social Justice Officer
Catholic Church appoints new Social Justice Officer

The Bishops' Conference of Scotland have announced the appointment of Anne Marie Clements as the new Catholic Social Teaching Engagement Officer for the National Justice and Peace Commission.

Image: Wages Not War - Open Letter
Wages Not War - Open Letter

We oppose the TUC’s call for an increase in arms spending. The British arms industry supplies some of the most aggressive and authoritarian regimes in the world and the weapons it exports have helped to destabilize whole regions of the world and contributed to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people.

Image: For a Non-Violent Culture - Pope Video April 2023
For a Non-Violent Culture - Pope Video April 2023

Pope Francis stresses once again ‘War is Madness’  “Using weapons to resolve conflicts is a sign of weakness and fragility. Negotiation, proceeding in mediation, and conciliation require courage. #Peace“.  April 2023 Pope Video.

Image: How one women’s co-operative is changing lives in India
How one women’s co-operative is changing lives in India

This International Women’s Day, we’re sharing a story of what happens for women when trade is done well - and the impact ethical business can have on a whole community. Sadhna, a garments manufacturer in Rajasthan, is just one example of the thousands of inspirational small businesses empowering women and changing lives across the world. Transform Trade.


Image: We're Hiring
We're Hiring

Justice & Peace Scotland are recruiting for a new full time position - Catholic Social Teaching Engagement Officer.  Click the link for further details.  

Image: Scotland - 10 Years A Fairtrade Nation
Scotland - 10 Years A Fairtrade Nation

Choose Fair Trade with the directory of independent retailers and wholesalers on the high street and online, across Scotland and beyond.

Image: Our Common Home Booklet
Our Common Home Booklet

A guide to caring for our living planet.  The booklet, promoted by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, was launched in a virtual event on Tuesday, February 14. The booklet distils the science on urgent environmental issues and explains how individuals and communities can take action to build a more sustainable and socially just future.

Image: Living Laudato Si: Exploring how Churches can act for our Common Home
Living Laudato Si: Exploring how Churches can act for our Common Home

Catholics may have heard of the Pope's encyclical 'Laudato Si' but what does it mean in practical terms for individuals, parishes & Dioceses.  Join this online event on Tuesday 17th Jan at 7.30pm.



Image: Church Investment In Climate Solutions Webinar
Church Investment In Climate Solutions Webinar

Join this Operation Noah webinar on Tuesday 22nd November at 7pm to find out how and why Churches and faith institutions in the UK should increase investment in climate solutions.

Image: World Food Day: How One Meal a Day Can Help the World's Poorest Children
World Food Day: How One Meal a Day Can Help the World's Poorest Children

"There is a myth that hunger is caused by lack of food, but there is enough food in the world. The reason people face chronic hunger is poverty, they can't afford to buy the food that is available. Newsweek.

Image: Justice & Peace Europe International Workshop 7- 9 October
Justice & Peace Europe International Workshop 7- 9 October

The Justice & Peace Europe International Workshop took place from 7-9 October in Assisi and Rondine.  More than sixty participants from 21 countries were present. Here is the final declaration: 

Image: Aberdeen: Bishop Gilbert leads Prayers for Creation
Aberdeen: Bishop Gilbert leads Prayers for Creation

On Wed 21 September 2022, and with the intensifying symptoms of climate breakdown making the case for ecological conversion ever more powerfully, Catholics gathered in Mannofield again for the second diocesan Prayer for Creation.  ICN

Image: Horn of Africa braces for ‘explosion of child deaths’ as hunger crisis deepens
Horn of Africa braces for ‘explosion of child deaths’ as hunger crisis deepens

Somalia alone used to import 92 per cent of its wheat from Russia and Ukraine, but now supply lines are blocked.”  UN.

Image: Irish bishop on climate change: 'We cannot afford to be slow learners'
Irish bishop on climate change: 'We cannot afford to be slow learners'

"As people of faith we are called to be custodians of God's creation, 'this is essential to a life of virtue; it is not an optional or a secondary aspect of our Christian experience' (Laudato Si, 217). On this the seventh anniversary of its publication, I strongly encourage all people to read Laudato Si' and inform themselves of their faith-based ecological obligation.  ICN.

Image: Four key climate change indicators break records in 2021  World Meterological Organisation
Four key climate change indicators break records in 2021  World Meterological Organisation

“Renewables are the only path to real energy security, stable power prices and sustainable employment opportunities. If we act together, the renewable energy transformation can be the peace project of the 21st century,” said Mr Guterres.

Image: Aid agencies call for urgent action against famine in Horn of Africa
Aid agencies call for urgent action against famine in Horn of Africa

"developed countries, those who are largely responsible for climate change, must take responsibility for this. We must help those who are suffering because of it".  ICN.

Image: Earth Day  - 22nd April 2022
Earth Day - 22nd April 2022

The Earth Day 2022 Theme is Invest In Our Planet. This is the moment to change it all — the business climate, the political climate, and how we take action on climate. Now is the time for the unstoppable courage to preserve and protect our health, our families, our livelihoods.  Earthday.org.

Image: Conference highlights links among climate change, health, racial justice
Conference highlights links among climate change, health, racial justice

"The pope clearly says some forms of pollution are part of people's daily experience, and they're constantly being exposed to atmospheric pollution, pollution of the water, pollution of soil.  Earthbeat.


Buying Fairtrade is easy. There are over 6,000 Fairtrade products from coffee and tea to flowers and gold, so when you shop, look for the FAIRTRADE Mark. 



Image: Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the 5th World Day of the Poor
Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the 5th World Day of the Poor

"The poor you will always have with you” (Mk 14:7). Jesus spoke these words at a meal in Bethany, in the home of a certain Simon, known as the leper, a few days before Passover. As the Evangelist recounts, a woman came in with an alabaster flask full of precious ointment and poured it over Jesus’ head. This caused great amazement and gave rise to two different interpretations.

Image: COP26: Indigenous Amazon activist 'got death threats' after speech
COP26: Indigenous Amazon activist 'got death threats' after speech

As a climate activist who grew up as part of an indigenous community in the Amazon rainforest, Txai Suruí spoke to world leaders about the direct impacts of climate change that her tribe is already experiencing.  But after the speech she was publicly criticised by Brazilian President Jair Bolsanaro, for "attacking Brazil"

Image: Cop26: Pacific delegates condemn ‘monumental failure’ that leaves islands in peril
Cop26: Pacific delegates condemn ‘monumental failure’ that leaves islands in peril

Pacific representatives and negotiators have condemned the outcome of the COP26  meeting as “watered down” and a “monumental failure” that puts Pacific nations in severe existential danger, with one saying that Australia’s refusal to support funding for loss and damage suffered by Pacific countries was “a deep betrayal” of the region.

Image: More than 60 Catholic organizations sign Statement on COP26 Draft Agreement
More than 60 Catholic organizations sign Statement on COP26 Draft Agreement

As Catholics, united for our common home, we urgently ask leaders at the United Nations 26th Climate Change Conference to follow Pope Francis' leadership in reaching a prophetic final agreement.

The science is clear: an extractive, unsustainable economy, fuelled by fossil fuels, is causing the climate crisis that's destroying God's creation and harming the most vulnerable among us the most, those who have done little to cause the crisis.

Image: Minga Indígena
Minga Indígena

Through COP26 Glasgow has been host to indigenous leaders from around the world. From the Andes in Patagona, the Amazonas, to Alaska Minga Indígena brings together their wisdom and a voice world leaders need to hear.

Image: Living Language Land
Living Language Land

A journey through endangered and minority languages that reveal different ways of relating to land and nature. Brought together for COP26 sharing 26 words to give a global audience fresh inspiration for tackling our environmental crisis.

Image: COP26 targets too weak to stop disaster say Paris agreement architects
COP26 targets too weak to stop disaster say Paris agreement architects

World leaders will have to return to the negotiating table next year with improved plans to cut greenhouse gases because the proposed targets agreed at the COP26 summit are too weak to prevent disastrous levels of global heating, the three architects of the Paris agreement have warned.

Image: 24 Hours for the Climate lobby COP negotiators
24 Hours for the Climate lobby COP negotiators

Justice and Peace Scotland along with our partners involved with 24 Hours for the Climate have lobbied COP26 negotiators with stories of the impact of the climate crisis from across the world.

Read the stories here

Image: 24 Hours for the Climate lobby COP negotiators letter
24 Hours for the Climate lobby COP negotiators letter

Alongside our stories we have written to all COP negotiators. Read the letter here.

Image: The Roar Of Many Waters: Searching For The Voice Of God at COP26
The Roar Of Many Waters: Searching For The Voice Of God at COP26

Bishop Nolan gave a wonderful talk in Glasgow recently on the topic of "Where Is God At COP26?".  Watch his talk here.

Image: A ‘Historic Event’: First Malaria Vaccine Approved by W.H.O.
A ‘Historic Event’: First Malaria Vaccine Approved by W.H.O.

Malaria kills about 500,000 people each year, about half of them children in Africa. The new vaccine isn’t perfect, but it will help turn the tide. The New York Times.


Image: 24 Hours For The Climate
24 Hours For The Climate

You are invited to submit a proposal to take part in this global 24 hour vigil to pray for the success of COP26. On 5th – 6th November, this live broadcast will be an opportunity to learn from communities suffering from climate change, pray for the future of our common home, and write messages that will be delivered to COP26 negotiators. 

Image: Support Afghans in their most perilous hour, urges UN’s Guterres
Support Afghans in their most perilous hour, urges UN’s Guterres

One in three Afghans do not know where their next meal is coming from, the UN chief explained, adding that “many people could run out of food by the end of the month, just as winter approaches”.


Image: Leviticus Fund leverages 'faith capital' for poverty-fighting projects
Leviticus Fund leverages 'faith capital' for poverty-fighting projects

For 10 years, Carlos Bolanos was homeless, but in November, he became a resident of 3500 Park Avenue Apartments, a 115-unit residence in the South Bronx developed and run by the nonprofit The Bridge with money lent from the Leviticus Fund. "I live in peace now," said Bolanos, seen here in the building's social hall. (GSR photo/Chris Herlinger) Global Sisters Report.

Image: Climate change, COVID point to need for radical turn to small farmers
Climate change, COVID point to need for radical turn to small farmers

The number of items on shelves in grocery stores gives the impression that "there's a tremendous amount of diversity in our food system, "But the reality is that all of that diversity of products in a grocery store is basically controlled by four to six companies."  Earthbeat.

Image: Irish give record amount to overseas aid - despite pandemic at home
Irish give record amount to overseas aid - despite pandemic at home

Launching the annual report today, Trócaire thanked the people of Ireland, north and south, for their remarkable support in helping to raise €73 million during one of the toughest years in living memory.  ICN.



$370MILLION OF FOOD IS WASTED ON FARMS.  Reducing this could support significant progress towards the SDGs of ‘No Poverty’ and ‘Zero Hunger’, particularly in low-income countries where postharvest waste amounts to 291 million tonnes each year.   WWF


Image: Government wins vote to lock in cuts to overseas aid
Government wins vote to lock in cuts to overseas aid

Many Conservative MPs have spoken out against the move, announced last November despite a commitment to spending 0.7% in the party's 2019 election manifesto. Meeting the figure was made law in 2015.  BBC.

Image: Our future must be ‘sustainable’ and ‘just’,
Our future must be ‘sustainable’ and ‘just’,

Ahead of the G7 group of nations summit taking place in Carbis Bay, Cornwall from 11-13 June 2021, bishops William Nolan, Richard Moth and John Arnold representing the Catholic communities of England, Wales and Scotland have written to Prime Minister Boris Johnson to stress that we must work together to ensure a just and sustainable future for our global community.

Image: Foreign aid: Aid cuts could see lives lost, warns senior Tory
Foreign aid: Aid cuts could see lives lost, warns senior Tory

David Davis - among more than 30 Tories against the move - said some UK-backed schemes have already been cancelled and "morally, this is a devastating thing.  BBC.

Image: Vatican helps get water to hospitals in the 'Global South'
Vatican helps get water to hospitals in the 'Global South'

"Here, when you are hospitalized, you often have to take water with you. There's not enough for everyone." This is the situation in Kisantu, a town about 100 kilometers south of Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.  Earthbeat.


Image: World Fair Trade Day – May 8, 2021
World Fair Trade Day – May 8, 2021

World Fair Trade Day is on the second Saturday of May and its purpose is to celebrate the contributions to the fight against poverty, exploitation, and climate change. The Fair Trade movement is all about ensuring that workers around the globe are treated fairly with decent wages and working conditions. 


Image: The World Of Finance - Pope video 5th May 2021
The World Of Finance - Pope video 5th May 2021

“Regulate the financial sphere and protect citizens from its dangers” — this is the proposal of Pope Francis for bringing the world of finance closer to the real economy and to the lives of ordinary people. #TheRealEconomy #ThePopeVideo

Image: Global Vaccine Crisis Sends Ominous Signal for Fighting Climate Change
Global Vaccine Crisis Sends Ominous Signal for Fighting Climate Change

The gap between rich and poor countries on vaccinations highlights the failure of richer nations to see it in their self-interest to urgently help poorer ones fight a shared crisis.  The New York Times ​

Image: UK Military Spending: Speak Out In Your Local Media 
UK Military Spending: Speak Out In Your Local Media 

The UK has increased its nuclear warheads by 44%, while cutting aid to the world’s poorest by 30%. #DefundTheMilitary. Where do you think the UK’s military budget should be spent instead? CAAT Campaign.

Image: Climate Justice Day of Action
Climate Justice Day of Action

On the run up to the Scottish parliamentary elections on May 6th 2021 we are campaigning for Climate Justice for our poorest brothers and sisters all over the world who have done the least to cause climate change but suffer its affects the most and we want the Scottish government increase the Climate Justice Fund.

Image: Talking to your local candidates about climate justice
Talking to your local candidates about climate justice

Watch this recording of the online training event giving tips on speaking to your local election candidates about climate justice on the run up to the Scottish elections on 6th May.  #ClimateJusticeScot.

Image: Pope urges World Bank and IMF to seek more inclusive, sustainable policies
Pope urges World Bank and IMF to seek more inclusive, sustainable policies

I am grateful for the kind invitation to address the participants in the World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund 2021 Spring Meetings by means of this letter, which I have entrusted to Cardinal Peter Turkson, Prefect of the Holy See's Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development.  ICN.

Image: Write to your MP to challenge proposed reduction in international development budget
Write to your MP to challenge proposed reduction in international development budget

In November 2020, the UK Chancellor announced the Government’s intention to significantly reduce the budget for international development, arguing that the costs of dealing with the coronavirus pandemic meant a temporary cut was necessary.

Image: UK diplomats told to cut up to 70% from overseas aid budget
UK diplomats told to cut up to 70% from overseas aid budget

Officials have just weeks to slash costs, prompting fears that speed of cuts could cost lives. The Guardian.


Image: ‘Extreme urgent need’: Starvation haunts Ethiopia’s Tigray
‘Extreme urgent need’: Starvation haunts Ethiopia’s Tigray

From “emaciated” refugees to crops burned on the brink of harvest, starvation threatens the survivors of more than two months of fighting in Ethiopia’s Tigray region. CFRUX. Picture: Catholic Relief Services.




“the effects of our actions and decisions affect you personally. Therefore, you can’t remain outside the places that are shaping the present and future. You’re either part of them or history will pass you by”.  "The time has come to change direction," he said. "Let us not rob younger generations of their hope in a better future."  message from Pope Francis to The Economy of Francesco Conference.


Image: Pope spells out six points on which to build social rights
Pope spells out six points on which to build social rights

“righteous are those who do justice. Righteous, knowing that, when, resorting to law, we give the poor what is essential, we do not give them our belongings, nor those of third parties, but we give them back what is theirs.”

Image: Pope Francis talks about Uighurs, George Floyd and Universal Basic Income in new interview
Pope Francis talks about Uighurs, George Floyd and Universal Basic Income in new interview

The book, Let Us Dream, which will be published by Simon & Schuster on Dec. 1, is the product of a series of exchanges between the pope and Austen Ivereigh, his English-language biographer. It is an extended reflection on the change Pope Francis sees as necessary in building a post-Covid world. It is in this context that he addresses several hot-button issues.


Image: MPs from seven parties urge government not to cut overseas aid
MPs from seven parties urge government not to cut overseas aid

Letter to PM says move would send a terrible signal as UK prepares to host G7 and COP26


Image: Indian factory workers supplying major brands allege routine exploitation
Indian factory workers supplying major brands allege routine exploitation

Indian workers in factories supplying the supermarket chains Marks & Spencer, Tesco and Sainsbury's, and the fashion brand Ralph Lauren, told the BBC they are being subjected to exploitative conditions.


Image: Cancel The Debt
Cancel The Debt

Bishop Toal, President of Sciaf and Bishop Nolan, President of Justice & Peace Scotland have joined Christian leaders worldwide in writing to the World Bank and the IMF asking for the cancellation of the debts of the poorest countries. 

Image: Could the SDGs deliver on their promises?
Could the SDGs deliver on their promises?

We are a third of the way towards 2030, the target date for the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Gary Rynhart and Jan Vandemoortele differ over how likely the Goals are to be achieved.

Image: UK faith leaders urge chancellor to press G20 to cancel debts of poor countries
UK faith leaders urge chancellor to press G20 to cancel debts of poor countries

Scores of senior UK faith leaders are calling on the chancellor to press for the cancellation of debt owed by the world’s poorest countries, which are facing the worst effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.


Image: Catholic youth campaigners represent UK at international event
Catholic youth campaigners represent UK at international event

Four young Catholic campaigners have been chosen to represent the UK at an international relations workshop, which hopes to lead to better cultural understanding.  ICN.

Image: In Whose Interest?  The UK’s role in privatising education around the world
In Whose Interest? The UK’s role in privatising education around the world

Global Justice Now have produced this report looking at what the privatisation of education means for children and young people around the world.  The findings conclude that the privatisation of education at home and abroad will not support the realisation  of SDG4.

Image: Science In An Age Of Change
Science In An Age Of Change

An afternoon exploring cutting-edge issues in science in our fast-changing world. Leading academics will provide input on climate change and our response to it, and on the opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence. The afternoon will conclude with a chance to consider the implications of these for all of us - no matter what faith or philosophy we may live by.  

Image: Launch of A Better World: Ireland’s new Policy for International Development
Launch of A Better World: Ireland’s new Policy for International Development
A Better World is a whole of government policy. It provides the framework for Ireland’s expanding development cooperation programme, in line with the Government’s commitment to reaching the UN target of allocating 0.7% of our GNI to official development assistance by 2030. It outlines Ireland’s vision of a more equal, peaceful and sustainable world. It charts a clear way forward to achieve this vision, shaping and protecting our stability, our prosperity, our shared interests and our common future.
Image: Global Land Grab Gathers Pace
Global Land Grab Gathers Pace

Launching the organisation’s 2019 Lenten Appeal, Trócaire CEO Caoimhe de Barra warned that the corporate race for natural resources has put millions of people around the world at risk of exploitation and abuse.


Image: End of Childhood Report
End of Childhood Report

More than half the world's children are at risk of poverty, conflict and discrimination against girls, according to a report by Save the Children.

The charity's second End of Childhood index says more than 1.2 billion children face these threats, with 153 million facing all three.

While the global situation has improved compared with last year, the charity says progress is not fast enough.

The report comes ahead of International Children's Day on 1 June.

Read the Report

Image: Cardinal Nichols addresses UN on human trafficking
Cardinal Nichols addresses UN on human trafficking

Trust is a key component in fighting human trafficking, Cardinal Vincent Nichols told delegates at a United Nations conference this week. The Cardinal was addressing diplomats, law enforcement officials and charities involved in the support of survivors of human trafficking as president and chair of the Santa Marta Group.

Read the full story



“the effects of our actions and decisions affect you personally. Therefore, you can’t remain outside the places that are shaping the present and future. You’re either part of them or history will pass you by”.  "The time has come to change direction," he said. "Let us not rob younger generations of their hope in a better future."  message from Pope Francis to The Economy of Francesco Conference.


Image: Pope spells out six points on which to build social rights

“righteous are those who do justice. Righteous, knowing that, when, resorting to law, we give the poor what is essential, we do not give them our belongings, nor those of third parties, but we give them back what is theirs.”

Image: MPs from seven parties urge government not to cut overseas aid

Letter to PM says move would send a terrible signal as UK prepares to host G7 and COP26


Image: Pope Francis talks about Uighurs, George Floyd and Universal Basic Income in new interview

The book, Let Us Dream, which will be published by Simon & Schuster on Dec. 1, is the product of a series of exchanges between the pope and Austen Ivereigh, his English-language biographer. It is an extended reflection on the change Pope Francis sees as necessary in building a post-Covid world. It is in this context that he addresses several hot-button issues.


Image: Indian factory workers supplying major brands allege routine exploitation

Indian workers in factories supplying the supermarket chains Marks & Spencer, Tesco and Sainsbury's, and the fashion brand Ralph Lauren, told the BBC they are being subjected to exploitative conditions.


Image: Cancel The Debt
Cancel The Debt

Bishop Toal, President of Sciaf and Bishop Nolan, President of Justice & Peace Scotland have joined Christian leaders worldwide in writing to the World Bank and the IMF asking for the cancellation of the debts of the poorest countries. 

Image: Could the SDGs deliver on their promises?

We are a third of the way towards 2030, the target date for the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Gary Rynhart and Jan Vandemoortele differ over how likely the Goals are to be achieved.

Image: UK faith leaders urge chancellor to press G20 to cancel debts of poor countries

Scores of senior UK faith leaders are calling on the chancellor to press for the cancellation of debt owed by the world’s poorest countries, which are facing the worst effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Image: In Whose Interest?  The UK’s role in privatising education around the world

Global Justice Now have produced this report looking at what the privatisation of education means for children and young people around the world.  The findings conclude that the privatisation of education at home and abroad will not support the realisation  of SDG4.

Image: Global Land Grab Gathers Pace

Launching the organisation’s 2019 Lenten Appeal, Trócaire CEO Caoimhe de Barra warned that the corporate race for natural resources has put millions of people around the world at risk of exploitation and abuse.

Image: Launch of A Better World: Ireland’s new Policy for International Development
A Better World is a whole of government policy. It provides the framework for Ireland’s expanding development cooperation programme, in line with the Government’s commitment to reaching the UN target of allocating 0.7% of our GNI to official development assistance by 2030. It outlines Ireland’s vision of a more equal, peaceful and sustainable world. It charts a clear way forward to achieve this vision, shaping and protecting our stability, our prosperity, our shared interests and our common future.

Image: State of the World's Mothers 2012
World's worst 10 countries to be a mother? DR Congo,  South Sudan, Sudan, Chad, Eritrea, Mali, Guinea-Bissau , Yemen, Afghanistan, Niger. Save the Children's 13th annual Mothers' Index analyzes health, education and economic conditions for women and children in 165 countries.
Their focus is on the 171 million children globally who do not have the opportunity to reach their full potential due to the physical and mental effects of poor nutrition in the earliest months of life.
This report shows which countries are doing the best - and which are doing the worst - at providing nutrition during the critical window of development that starts during a mother's pregnancy and goes through her child's second birthday. It looks at six key nutrition solutions, including breastfeeding, that have the greatest potential to save lives, and shows that these solutions are affordable, even in the world's poorest countries.

Pope Benedict XVI's Address to Politicians and Civic Leaders, at Westminster Hall, London on 17th September 2010, during his visit to the UK.

Image: Justice & Peace Scotland Handbook

With valuable context and criticism by eg Anne Pettifor, Susan George and others.